GIRLS CAN… applications are now open for the 2024-2025 season.

  • Who:
    • Girls Can (Juniors): For ages 8-10 (as of December 31, 2024)
    • Girls Can (Seniors): For ages 11-13 (as of December 31, 2024)
    • Girls Can is open to all participants identifying as female, non-binary, trans or otherwise gender diverse.
    • Returning participants are welcome, but note that some activities may be repeated from past years.
    • Preference will be given to those from low-income families, newcomers, immigrants, refugees, Métis, Indigenous or youth living with a disability.
  • When:
    • Girls Can (Juniors):
      • Time: Wednesday evenings, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (drop-off from 5:45 PM – 6:00 PM, pick-up from 8:00 PM – 8:15 PM)
      • *Dates: October 16, 23, 30; November 6, 20, 27; December 4; January 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 26; March 5.
    • Girls Can (Seniors): 
      • Time: Thursday evenings, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (drop-off from 5:45 PM – 6:00 PM, pick-up from 8:00 PM – 8:15 PM)
      • *Dates: October 17, 24, 31; November 7, 21, 28; December 5; January 16, 23, 30; Februrary 6, 13, 27; March 6.
    • *There are also optional field trips on some weekends. Details TBA.
  • Where:
    • Brandon University, Education Building, Room 07
  • Description: Girls Can is a FREE program that will provide participants with access to high-quality, interactive learning about science in a safe, fun, non-judgmental environment. Participants will get together for 14 weeks of evening programming. Experienced instructors will lead fun activities including making and programming robots, 3D printing, yoga, art, engineering, chemistry, media literacy, and more. The activities will stimulate the interest of the students, as well as challenge any preconceptions of what “Girls Can do”. The overall aim is to open participants’ eyes to the opportunities available to them, in science, in school, in life and gain self-confidence and self-esteem, to empower them to reach their full potential.
  • To Apply: Fill out and sign the Girls Can application form and e-mail it to Please note that applying does not guarantee registration. We will be in contact with you to confirm your registration if spots are available.
  • Special Notes:
    • Supper for participants will be provided as part of programming.
    • Transportation will also be available for those needing assistance getting to and from Girls Can. You must live within Brandon but more than 1 km from Brandon University. Spots are limited.
    • This program has been supported with a grant from the Canadian Women’s Foundation and its partners.


Let us know if you have any questions about our programming or the application process. Spots are limited, so please apply ASAP.