Thank you for your interest in Mini U Field Trips. We will be opening registrations for our 2025 season starting in early March. If you attended with your class(es) last year, we will email a reminderwhen bookings are open.
During June, Mini University offers a selection of our most popular programs for school groups. Try our fun themed Junior activities (for grades K – 2) or go more in-depth with our Senior courses (for grades 3 – 8), including hands-on activities like Archery Tag, Medieval Engineering, Game Design, and Robotics/Programming (exact program offerings for 2025 TBD). Our friendly and skilled instructors will re-energize your class and help prevent the pre-summer slump!
JUNIORS (Grades K – 2):
- Half-Day (e.g. 10:00 am to 2:00 pm) $10.00/child
SENIORS (Grades 3 – 8):
- Half-Day (e.g. 10:00 am to 2:00 pm) $15.00/child